domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012

It's been too long

Yeah, I know. I really was planning to update this blog every few days, but I didn't. Why? I just don't know. But I'm going to give me a second (or third?) chance. I think I'm going to dedicate my next updates to my latest obsession: Det. Don Flack of CSI: NY, played by the talented Eddie Cahill. I just love Flack :)

martes, 7 de junio de 2011

I'm back!!!

Well, after more than a year, I decided to came back to write this blog. I started to think that I needed to practice my writing a little bit more, now that I'm not taking English courses anymore. I know I have a long way ahead, but despite any grammar errors I'm sure I'm gonna have, I'm gonna take this task.

So, what's new? I'm gonna be an aunt!!! I'm very excited with the news :) but I'm also a little aprehensive. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure my entire family is gonna go nuts with love when this baby arrives, but we just don't have a lot of experience when it comes to dealing with a child. We don't have children in our family :( , well I have a little godson, but I don't see him very often. But I'm trying to stay positive about all this, so with God's help I'm sure everything will be alright.

sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

Mr. Buxley was creepy

Last Wednesday I watched Brennan return to her hometown in the episode "The Death of the Queen Bee". I was looking forward to see this episode because I new (from spoilers, hehehe) that Booth and Bones were going to share a slow dance... and it was sooo great!! the song was Seal's Kiss From a Rose. Robert Englund, aka Freddy Krueger, played the role of the school's janitor and Brennan's BFF, Mr. Buxley. Poor girl :( nobody liked her during her student years and this creepy guy was, apparently, her only friend :(

A pretty good Bones episode. Next week we'll have Booth's new love interest making her debut. We'll see how that will turn out :)

jueves, 1 de abril de 2010

Bones is finally back!!!

Thanks to my fellow Canadian fans, I was able to see Bones new episode, "The Bones on the Blue Line". It was a good episode, and one of the highlights of the plot was Brennan's new book and the story behind it. It turns out that Angela has a lot to do with those sex scenes between Kathy and Andy (the book's main characters). Brennan, as usual, has very little idea of how her best friend has contributed to the success of her novels, but in the end, she finally understands her importance and gives Angela a part of her earnings.

This was episode 99, so that means next Thursday we'll get the much anticipated 100 episode that every Bones fan is talking about. For my part, I just can't wait to see Bones and Booth working together for the first time.

domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010

Bones returns this Thursday!!!

Yeah, I'm really exited about this week's episode. From what I've seen, the episode will be about a corpse that was found during a water line break. Brennan has a new book, and everybody is mentioning page 187 (I wonder what she wrote there). Well, we'll found out this Thursday, and if I'm lucky enough, maybe on Wednesday, if the Canadian fans upload episode 99.

jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010

Day 1...

...and here I am, with my new blog. What am I going to do with it? I have some ideas, but right now I'm going to search some reviews for last monday's Law & Oder episode "Innocence". It was a great episode! Mike Cutter is hot :)